My sources tell me that negotiations ongoing, AP had enough, deal to be done in 2 months.
AP not putting in another bean, the week Hudders beat us, the players got paid 3 days late. Hence he cant afford to pay Radders off.
Clarky runs the show now, AP not doing much
Little thing ref the Heritage fund also - When we bought out passes, you could add £2 I think it was, toward the fund, for the 150th year events. I've been told the fund isnt, at the moment used for that.
Tanya Arnold tweeting Adam is still committed to Hull FC as we expected!
I'd expect him to say that but does anyone really believe (even trust) him anymore. His actions over recent times seem to suggest he's be pre-occupied with anything other than this club.
My sources tell me that negotiations ongoing, AP had enough, deal to be done in 2 months.
AP not putting in another bean, the week Hudders beat us, the players got paid 3 days late. Hence he cant afford to pay Radders off.
Clarky runs the show now, AP not doing much
Little thing ref the Heritage fund also - When we bought out passes, you could add £2 I think it was, toward the fund, for the 150th year events. I've been told the fund isnt, at the moment used for that.
The voices in my head tell me that negotiations ongoing, AP had enough, deal to be done in 2 months.
AP not putting in another bean, the week Hudders beat us, the players got paid 3 days late. Hence he cant afford to pay Radders off.
Clarky runs the show now, AP not doing much
Little thing ref the Heritage fund also - When we bought out passes, you could add £2 I think it was, toward the fund, for the 150th year events. I've been told the fund isnt, at the moment used for that.
With Marwans experience of being only a tenant at Barton I'd be surprised if he got involved with another club that didn't have ownership of its stadium.
With Marwans experience of being only a tenant at Barton I'd be surprised if he got involved with another club that didn't have ownership of its stadium.