TouchBB0 0 17996865 Jonesy's a Legend hi guys i'm very interested in what you think that travis burns will bring to your club?

i would have loved him at the rhinos as i think that he is a fantastic player and one who constantly takes on the defensive line, i reckon that your 3/4's will be outstanding next season running outside your current half backs

a top 3 finish is nailed on for you boys imo Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:31 pm 17996907 Saint Simon If the same Walsh comes back as got injured, we'll have the best halves in the league. Still think we dont have much depth in the front row though Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:56 pm 17996915 yogi bear For me Burns will bring more attacking options - there was a few games last year when Walsh had off days (Wigan at home and Magic spring to mind) where we looked absolutely clueless.
With 2 recognised HB's playing regularly this will hopefully be highlighted less , as well as taking pressure off Walsh to come back and try to do everything. Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:03 pm 17997043 Rommel I am getting rather giddy at the thought of having two proper half back's?? (anyone else)

As the previous post said IF Walsh comes back playing like he did last year we look very good in the backs & Halfs but our Forwards need to give em the go forward for that to happen.

We are also due a year without bad luck on injuries, can't remember the last year where we wasn't decimated with injuries to key players. Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:12 am 17997055 Rogues Gallery
"Saint Simon" wrote:If the same Walsh comes back as got injured, we'll have the best halves in the league. Still think we dont have much depth in the front row though

That's a big call. I would think that Catalan with Scott Dureau back and fit alongside Carney with Bosch as backup would be better. Time will tell. Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:11 am 17997058 wakey_saint
"Rogues Gallery" wrote:That's a big call. I would think that Catalan with Scott Dureau back and fit alongside Carney with Bosch as backup would be better. Time will tell.

Time will tell...Carney is a cracking player and will arguably be the best all round player in SL next year. Dureau has had problems with injury/illness and couldnt even make the Catalans 1st team last year, and Bosc is another year older and not spectacular imo. Burns & Walsh compliment each other's games perfectly, and are already proven to work well as a partnership from their time at Penrith. For that reason (providing we get the same Walsh back as before his broken leg) I would say our half back combination would be the best in SL next year.

On a side note, it will also be nice having a 6 & 7 with very good kicking games, something we havent really had since Long & Martyn Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:17 am 17997075 St pete Hasn't Dureau been released ? Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:56 am 17997086 The Yellow Giraffe
"St pete" wrote:Hasn't Dureau been released ?

No. He is back from Sydney Roosters now. Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:27 am 17997206 curly990
"Rogues Gallery" wrote:That's a big call. I would think that Catalan with Scott Dureau back and fit alongside Carney with Bosch as backup would be better. Time will tell.

We will have the best half back pairing in super league, of that i have no doubt. It's no good having a prize stallion in the stables if he keeps getting stuck in the stalls & it will only be a matter of time before Carney has a brain fart & upsets the wrong people. He has a track record as long as my arm for misdermeanors, I guess it will be somewhere around the 3 month mark before he gets bored & goes off the rails. Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:33 pm 17997366 Offside Monkey We've had a couple of people come on here and rubbish Burns, but its simple - He's a standoff. Whether he's a world beater or just average is a matter of opinion, but he's certainly not bad and he's definitely better than what we had previously.
He will improve our first choice 17 and will make a massive difference to how our squad can cope with injuries (by both taking resposibilty if Walsh was injured and freeing Hohaia the rest of the time). Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:21 am 17997381 Donkey OTay Is Saints a better team with Burns in it? Answer = most definitely YES.

This is Saints who won the trophy for best team in the League last year.

So, no more to be said really - the best team last year will be even better next year. Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:59 am 17997382 Dux He's also a leader and an angry man. Two things we lacked last year. Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:08 am 17997407 Rommel
"Dux" wrote:He's also a leader and an angry man. Two things we lacked last year.

Hope he control's that aggression and gets our forwards wound up without going mental like Ben Flower Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:49 am 17997457 St pete Burns will bring other options other than Walsh. If Walsh has a off day we still have a very capable halfback to direct us.

He takes the line on a little more than Walsh, he's a clever player with a decent kicking game which takes the pressure off Walsh to do everything.

Most importantly IMO, other than being a good player, he's a born winner, he doesn't like losing and has a aggressive nasty streak in him that we have seriously lacked. Burns is the sought of player that will lead by example in terms of showing his aggression which will rub off on others.

It also frees lance up to play as utility for us and most probably spelling Robes at hooker. Robes getting 15 min spell rests will do him the world of good and I doubt a few tired forwards will like the sight of those two interchanging and running from dummy half.

All in all, I beleive Travis Burns is 100% the player we need and everything he brings will certainly improve us in the halves. Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:52 pm 17997483 Judder Man We look a lot better balanced for next season with potentially more set play options, I'm expecting Burns to be a better and more consistently involved player than he was at Hull KR. This expectation is due because of the better quality players around him and the winning culture from Cunningham and Long.

As already mentioned we are long overdue for a season without the injury crisis thats been happening year on year. If that happens then we will definitely front runners for a bit more silverware next season.

However we still have a couple of monkey's on our back, we need to hammer Wigoon and Wire at Langtree Park. Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:48 pm 17997515 Itchy Arsenal I think he is a good addition to your squad and will give you extra dimensions in your attacking play. Most squads seem to be strengthening this close season and I'm looking forward to a very competitive season with hopefully, Salford and Catalan joining Saints, Wire and Wigan as the top teams in the division. Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:50 pm 18001396 bishops finger
"wakey_saint" wrote:Time will tell...Carney is a cracking player and will arguably be the best all round player in SL next year. Dureau has had problems with injury/illness and couldnt even make the Catalans 1st team last year, and Bosc is another year older and not spectacular imo. Burns & Walsh compliment each other's games perfectly, and are already proven to work well as a partnership from their time at Penrith. For that reason (providing we get the same Walsh back as before his broken leg) I would say our half back combination would be the best in SL next year.

On a side note, it will also be nice having a 6 & 7 with very good kicking games, something we havent really had since Long & Martyn

didn't you watch Rovers last season? Burns and Keatings kicking was abysmal. Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:28 pm 18001513 Rogues Gallery
"Dux" wrote:He's also a leader and an angry man. Two things we lacked last year.

He was the most penalised halfback in Superleague last year, plus missed more tackles than all the other halfbacks with the exception of Luke Gail.

On the plus side he was second for kicking 40/20s Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:55 am 18001515 Rommel
"Rogues Gallery" wrote:He was the most penalised halfback in Superleague last year, plus missed more tackles than all the other halfbacks with the exception of Luke Gail.

On the plus side he was second for kicking 40/20s

Why did Wigan want him then Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:57 am 18001522 Rogues Gallery
"Rommel" wrote:Why did Wigan want him then

To give Hampshire and Williams another year to grow/mature into the players we hope they are capable of becoming, but they wouldn't give him a three year deal.

Why did Saints want Matty Smith? Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:20 am 18001535 St pete
"Rogues Gallery" wrote:He was the most penalised halfback in Superleague last year, plus missed more tackles than all the other halfbacks with the exception of Luke Gail.

On the plus side he was second for kicking 40/20s

Didn't stop Wigan signing sargison who couldn't tackle to save his life. Maybe burns will improve with a better team, like Sargison has. Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:30 pm 18001659 Judder Man
"Rogues Gallery" wrote:He was the most penalised halfback in Superleague last year, plus missed more tackles than all the other halfbacks with the exception of Luke Gail.

On the plus side he was second for kicking 40/20s

He is also second best for tackle bust behind Rangi Chase and second best for offloads behind Leon Pyrce. Which suggest he offers an open play game and a good understudy for Walsh in a kicking game.
If he improves his defence it looks as though he could be contributing more than the 2014 season. Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:56 pm 18001756 bewareshadows Honestly the day you are buying halfbacks for defensive duties you know you are in big trouble.

He ain't here to be tightening up the front row. Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:45 am 18001759 The Yellow Giraffe If we all stop biting and reacting to the silly old fart he'll go away. Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:12 am 18001775 SLS An odd grouping are pie eaters. Telling us how Burns isn't particularly good whilst telling themselves that Gildart is the best young centre in England, despite the fact he hasn't even played a first team game yet. Every time I read a post from that deluded lot, all I hear in my head is EVERYTHING IS AWESOME. Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:54 am 18001783 Judder Man I know stats don't mean everything, but when you do look at them, Travis Burns has very strong areas in his game where Luke Walsh has a weakness. This tells me our half back pairing will be very effective, Walsh will be the organiser on set plays adding to his excellent kicking game Burns more of a probing game with his tackle busts and excellent off loading game. Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:55 am 18001863 St pete Stand off is an attacking position. I don't remember many 6s being Brought in to squads to sort out a teams defence Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:45 pm 18002032 The Yellow Giraffe
"SLS" wrote:An odd grouping are pie eaters. Telling us how Burns isn't particularly good whilst telling themselves that Gildart is the best young centre in England, despite the fact he hasn't even played a first team game yet. Every time I read a post from that deluded lot, all I hear in my head is EVERYTHING IS AWESOME.

It's like they're just lying to themselves to make them feel better at the moment. The Gildart comment was particularly shocking. Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:03 pm 18002033 Top Saint
"The Yellow Giraffe" wrote:If we all stop biting and reacting to the silly old fart he'll go away.

I've been saying that for ages. Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:05 pm 18002212 The Chief Tommy Martyn couldnt tackle a good dinner, but it didnt stop him being one of the best 6's weve seen at the club in the last 20 years Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:13 pm 18002245 I Grope Balls
"The Yellow Giraffe" wrote:If we all stop biting and reacting to the silly old fart he'll go away.

When ever i read any of his posts that try to wind people up i just think, Aw Bless him and then imagine him wetting himself in his obvious excitement

Keep your posts coming Soggy Pants Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:30 pm ca52ac3b8fb0cd6b636dedbf16017b56