It is indeed, subscribe and they will send you their report which basically says we are all doomed, but if you put money in a number of foreign investments then it will all be good as these will survive and prosper despite the apocalypse. yes folks, the world's economy is about to go tits, but somehow there are some esoteric investments out there somewhere that will carry on making you money.
The basic idea is that as soon as interest rates go up, our finances are so incomprehensibly, unfeasibly and mind-numbingly bad that we are irredeemably fooked, and it is far too late to do anything about it, so it's only a matter of time. Everyone knows this but just pretend the elephant isn't in the room as there's no point given there is nothing you can do about it.
Or something like that. It doesn't say what those people who don't have the money to invest in the first place should do to prepare for moneygeddon.