Medical negligence : Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:01 pm
Serious question here . I know there are any number of solicitors out there that chase ambulances and offer the 'no-win-no-fee' codswallop .
But could anyone offer any advice , or point me in the direction of one that could help me with an issue I have over my recent care ?
I am not looking for cash compensation . Just an explanation and an apology or three .
I have googled etc , but all I can find are ones that offer to get the biggest and best cash award .
I am in Leeds , so a local firm would be ideal .
Without going into too much detail it is a recurrent problem that has been dealt with by way of ' here's some tablets , see ya' . Or the best one ' Here's a safety-pin . a sling , and a purple felt pen , see ya ' .
Kinda like taking your car to a garage every week for three months with a flat tyre and them just inflating it and sending you on your way without even attempting to find the cause or repairing it .
Any recommendations on who I should speak to ?