Canoeman wrote:
Well the new President doesn't help...I'll give you that. The US is certainly in a state of change on many fronts the times they are a changin as Dylan said...are you suggesting that a Chinese or Russian led world would be better? Would a leaderless world better?
It just doesn't work that way.
I think we have just as much to fear from a US led world as we do from a Russian or Chinese led world. It’s just the nature of the threat that’s different.
The US is the cause of millions of deaths around the world and even millions of Americans domestically with their healthcare and gun control policies. The US is also the cause of many countries internal issues with their continued meddling in countries elections, economies and societies just to further the US and it’s corporations interests.
The way forward is through the UN, however the US continually sidelines it when it’s not convenient.