Anakin Skywalker wrote:
Clearly the Sun still don't get it do they.
I hope to god that leveson either closes the red tops or he makes their rules so tight that they have to actually report 'News'.
I know he can't do that BTW buy one can always hope
I don't wish to see any changes in the law at all.
What I do demand is that the existing laws are prosecuted to the maximum. Anyone found guilty of illegally accessing mobiles, computers or whatever, should be prosecuted. Anyone found paying public officials for information should be prosecuted, as should the officials in receipt of such payments. By extension, any manager/editor/owner of anyone involved in such illegal activity should be equally or even more severely prosecuted for conspiracy, whether they were actively complicit or not - it should be up to them to exercise sufficient control.
The only mandated change I would like to see is the PCC taking a more robust line with sanctions against miscreant newspapers. If they refuse or prevaricate, they should be abandoned and the press should come under the remit of Offcom.
Oh, one last thing: Rupert Murdoch, his son, Rebekkah Brooks, Andy Coulson and Dominic Mohan should all be placed in public stocks and custard pies sold to the public for £5 each, the proceeds being shared between The Terrance Higgins Trust, The Prostitiutes Collective, Amnesty International and any other charity that has previously been villified by the Murdoch press.