Re: Austerity gone too far? : Tue May 07, 2013 3:22 pm
JerryChicken wrote:
Its an attitude that is very prevalent among the self employed or business owners who have created their own business from scratch - worst still are those who inherited a going concern and continue to accept the platitudes for it.
Low in empathy/guilt, with weak conscience, good liars, fraudsters, impervious to rules, punishments, materialistic?
Some characteristics shared by the people in question in your post would you say?
If so they are showing psychopathic tendencies. You may have heard of a recent study done that likened investment bankers to psychopaths but I think the net is wider than just that ilk.
For years now I have always got very annoyed when I see some CEO or Chairmen saying things like "The business made people redundant." or really dishing out any negative news hiding behind the company. The "business" didn't do any such thing. A person or persons decided to do it and a person or persons decided who was to lose their jobs. It is the same when politicians talk about a flexible labour force being a good thing. The "labour force" is people and "flexibility" means very little job security and often low wages to boot. To hide behind such terms as "the business" or "the labour force" is at the very least narcissistic (though of course narcissism is a symptom of psychopathy).
I am sure there are good business owners out there who have many a sleepless night if they are facing having to lay people off but there are far too many people out there today who show an astonishing lack of empathy with other peoples situations.
I used to think it was the ignorance of those who had never seen at first hand any tough situations in life but that doesn't cut it. Some have and others are intelligent enough to see what the reality is for a lot of people yet they still show an amazing lack of empathy. So the only conclusion is narcissism is a lot more common than people may think!