Re: The rise of UKIP : Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:32 am
Horatio Yed wrote:
An ex Union rep at the place i work, very very good at getting people off the rap, very good at implementing stuff HE wanted to see in the garage but time after time people complained that they'd go to him with problems and he just wasn't interested or HE didn't want to see it. People wanted a common rota, he opposed it because it didn't suit him, people then wanted a fixed time rota, again he put a stop to it. He was exceptional at putting through stuff he wanted but couldn't care less about the majority of the workers which in the end made him very unpopular, he has now left for a fairly high up position in Unite and i won't be divulging his name.
Again, the most altruistic people are in it for one thing, self.
Unions, in the modern world, are just barriers to progress.