Oh excellent news. With your so obviously superior critical thinking skills maybe you can contact Scotland Yard and let them know not to bother with the thirty person investigation. I'm sure they will realise once it's you that's called, they don't need to bother with an investigation.
My superior critical skills enable me not to see conspiracies where there is no evidence of any, and to realise that what's being investigated is (in one case) the conduct of a Police officer and (in the second) an unspecified offence that took place just a few days ago.
Ajw71 wrote:
That was sarcasm by the way. Just in case you thought I was being serious.
I always treat everything you post as a joke.
Ajw71 wrote:
A cabinet minister was involved in the incident. If you don't think it's going to get political you are on a different planet. Labour certainly made enough capital out of it. But I assume that's OK is it?
Where exactly have I suggested that it wouldn't get political?
Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
The really fun thing about all of this is watching how Cameron handles the next few days and weeks.
Conservative governments have always courted the police, the Thatcher government were a prime example of bringing the police federation on board knowing that they would need them in times of civil unrest when their own brand of "economies" were put into place, and in turn, with individual exceptions noted, the police have always been supportive of whatever government has been in power, its that sort of service, very similar to the Armed Forces no matter what the individuals political thoughts they swear an oath to The Queen and her government and promise to follow her/their every instruction.
Its why you see police officers kettling demonstrators rather than joining them.
Now that the situation is festering with every new day, now that Mitchell and his not insignificant supporters, including the media who are hanging on his every new statement, have publically stated that they have no confidence in the Met Police Commissioner what will Cameron do ?
Does he follow Mitchells lead and use stronger words than the ones he used the other day when he suggested that the police MAY be culpable, dare he have a public row with the Metropolitan Police, dare he suggest that the armed police officers who stand at the end of his street shielding himself and his family from terrorism are corrupt and make up stories about his mates and colleagues in order to discredit them - will he employ a private security company to protect himself if he doesn't trust The Met?
... It'll be interesting to see if the alleged witness who sent this email ever comes forward. I don't see any reasonable explanation why the police would have fabricated the story, so it wouldn't surprise me if this version of events was factual.
Did you miss the last paragraph of the report you link to?
The investigation also sheds light on the man behind the email: he was a serving police officer. And crucially, he told Political Correspondent Michael Crick, twice, that he was not actually there.
Cronus wrote:
... It'll be interesting to see if the alleged witness who sent this email ever comes forward. I don't see any reasonable explanation why the police would have fabricated the story, so it wouldn't surprise me if this version of events was factual.
Did you miss the last paragraph of the report you link to?
The investigation also sheds light on the man behind the email: he was a serving police officer. And crucially, he told Political Correspondent Michael Crick, twice, that he was not actually there.
Did you miss the last paragraph of the report you link to?
Clearly, at the time, yes.
Actually noticed that line later but could I be arsed going back and editing? No, instead I left it in the hope no-one would be so anal as to pick up on it.
Actually noticed that line later but could I be arsed going back and editing? No, instead I left it in the hope no-one would be so anal as to pick up on it.
Your job is to say to yourself on a job interview does the hiring manager likes me or not. If you aren't a particular manager's cup of tea, you haven't failed -- you've dodged a bullet.
'when my life is over, the thing which will have given me greatest pride is that I was first to plunge into the sea, swimming freely underwater without any connection to the terrestrial world'
Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
What I am not understanding is why the CCTV footage is not being released - surely that would solve this once and for all?
Its how lawyers work, you only ever release evidence that supports your side of the story and then hope that the opposition don't have anything to counteract it, the opposition is quite entitled to keep their tinder dry until such a time as they can crush you with it.
I can't imagine that Cameron is happy with the situation or that he hasn't already demanded to see ALL of the evidence.
Advice is what we seek when we already know the answer - but wish we didn't
I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full-frontal lobotomy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ kirkstaller wrote: "All DNA shows is that we have a common creator."
cod'ead wrote: "I have just snotted weissbier all over my keyboard & screen"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin." - Aneurin Bevan
I can't imagine that Cameron is happy with the situation or that he hasn't already demanded to see ALL of the evidence.
Looks like Camoron was briefed long ago, three months ago in fact. Seems like he had such faith in his Chief Whip that he sat on the evidence and let "nature" take its course
JerryChicken wrote:
I can't imagine that Cameron is happy with the situation or that he hasn't already demanded to see ALL of the evidence.
Looks like Camoron was briefed long ago, three months ago in fact. Seems like he had such faith in his Chief Whip that he sat on the evidence and let "nature" take its course
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