Mild Rover wrote:
Slightly reassuringly from my perspective, there seems to be some agitation amongst supercore Brexiteers that the UK Government is about to compromise to secure some sort of deal and is just working out how to present it to people like them - so we’ll see. I’ve seen nowt to suggest it in the media I trust though./
I have now...
European trade Commissioner Phil Hogan has said that UK negotiators have changed their attitude in the last couple of weeks, following pressure from business groups.
Could just be part of the propaganda battle, but it sounds plausible to me. Taking any public position on this will be bad for a brand, but I suspect business leaders were starting to get the screaming abdabs in private. Not very democratic, of course, but capitalism typically takes priority. It’d be interesting to see how it was sold, and how many eager no deal-WTO fans buy it.