'Thus I am tormented by my curiosity and humbled by my ignorance.' from History of an Old Bramin, The New York Mirror (A Weekly Journal Devoted to Literature and the Fine Arts), February 16th 1833.
why do you mock others who see the benefit of protecting them selves from this vile disease (quote I hope you're one of the lucky ones) there is far better chances in having the vaccine, how many millions have had the jab and you come with figures of a few hundred which again maybe not related due to having it I've had mine and only had a sore arm for a day or so
why do you mock others who see the benefit of protecting them selves from this vile disease (quote I hope you're one of the lucky ones) there is far better chances in having the vaccine, how many millions have had the jab and you come with figures of a few hundred which again maybe not related due to having it I've had mine and only had a sore arm for a day or so
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle.
I'll ask you again, what's the end game of the whole COVID-19 in your opinion?
He won't have an answer. These people just latch onto whatever is in the news. When we reach the end of the tunnel he'll move on to the next conspiracy theory, probably something from the US. Joe Biden's secret plot to enforce Communism on the state of Idaho, something like that.
20 million people have been inoculated/ within 2 weeks of getting the inoculation 111 people died. Without post-mortems etc you do not know why they died.
But if 4 million old people get an injection you would expect some of them to die. There is no direct correlation between the stats you are providing and the vaccine
But regardless you are banned you are post misleading stuff without having one loving idea on what you are posting trying to mislead people into not having the vaccine is beyond the. Pale. Whilst stupidity is not against the AUP posting stuff that is dangerous is
You are now banned sine die. 48756c6c20 524c4643
Sick of your stupidity and misleading posts.
Do you even know what it is you have posted.
20 million people have been inoculated/ within 2 weeks of getting the inoculation 111 people died. Without post-mortems etc you do not know why they died.
But if 4 million old people get an injection you would expect some of them to die. There is no direct correlation between the stats you are providing and the vaccine
But regardless you are banned you are post misleading stuff without having one loving idea on what you are posting trying to mislead people into not having the vaccine is beyond the. Pale. Whilst stupidity is not against the AUP posting stuff that is dangerous is
No one has officially died from taking a vaccine. They have just died within a short time frame from taking the vaccine. Did you know on average 20000 people die a month within 14 days of having a haircut? Same principle. Let’s ban haircuts
20 million people have been inoculated/ within 2 weeks of getting the inoculation 111 people died. Without post-mortems etc you do not know why they died.
But if 4 million old people get an injection you would expect some of them to die. There is no direct correlation between the stats you are providing and the vaccine
But regardless you are banned you are post misleading stuff without having one loving idea on what you are posting trying to mislead people into not having the vaccine is beyond the. Pale. Whilst stupidity is not against the AUP posting stuff that is dangerous is
The guy is a wazzock of that there is no doubt, and I wouldn’t miss him for one moment but not sure it qualifies for a permanent ban - like you say it’s not against the AUP (I’ll take your word for that) A lot of people put misleading/untruths on here without the same recriminations
Durham Giant wrote:
You are now banned sine die. 48756c6c20 524c4643
Sick of your stupidity and misleading posts.
Do you even know what it is you have posted.
20 million people have been inoculated/ within 2 weeks of getting the inoculation 111 people died. Without post-mortems etc you do not know why they died.
But if 4 million old people get an injection you would expect some of them to die. There is no direct correlation between the stats you are providing and the vaccine
But regardless you are banned you are post misleading stuff without having one loving idea on what you are posting trying to mislead people into not having the vaccine is beyond the. Pale. Whilst stupidity is not against the AUP posting stuff that is dangerous is
The guy is a wazzock of that there is no doubt, and I wouldn’t miss him for one moment but not sure it qualifies for a permanent ban - like you say it’s not against the AUP (I’ll take your word for that) A lot of people put misleading/untruths on here without the same recriminations