Much as I dislike Kate Hopkins, I think she is in good company with some of the asinine views expressed on this Forum
The Israelies really need to get their PR act together. Tanks and armoured bulldozers are so last year. Air strikes? Purleeese!
Perhaps the next time the IDF have to cross the border in response to Palestinian terrorist rockets, they should leave the tanks at home, and carry and use large kitchen knives in an IS stylee.
Or a mass crucifixion on the Mount of Olives might catch the eye, and deter local Arabs from driving JCBs into innocent pedestrians out shopping with their kids.
A slave market, complete with festive lights could provide a seasonal tone, plus it could be a nice little earner. Nothing wrong with a little profit, eh People?
A little bit of imagination by Israel is all that is required, and the Katie Hopkins of the World would need to invest in some new material. Perhaps she could buddy up with that ghinger Scotsman, Frankie Boyle, a guy with a personality to match his surname.