I recently picked up 3.75 kilos of thin-skinned baby limes for £5, so I've set about making another batch of lime pickle, only this time with a couple of differences. I've used Pakistani black salt to start the fermenting process off, the stuff isn't black, it's a pinkish brown colour and absolutely stinks of sulphur. I've so far managed to fill four large kilner jars and they'll sit in the sun for a few days before I add the remaining ingredients that will this time include asafoetida. Other ingredients include: fennel seeds, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, fenugreek seeds (all ground), nigella seeds, turmeric powder, chilli powder, grated ginger, whole garlic cloves, whole chillies and mustard oil. The four jars will probably make two jars, once the limes have collapsed.
I've never bought a jar of lime pickle for years now and rarely eat the stuff they serve in Indian restaurants. I'm just about to decant 1 1/2 jars that I started a couple of months ago and have been merrily baking on my patio in this glorious sunshine.
Another thing that you tea drinkers may wish to try is Sun Tea. Just put a couple of spoonsfull of green tea into a large glass jug, quarter a couple of lemons, top up with cold water, cover with a clean tea-towel and let it brew in the sun for a few hours. Stuff it in the fridge and serve chilled