Big Graeme wrote:
But guns don't kill people...
Unfortunately that is a very, very common attitude and public opinion is dead set against the banning of guns, constitution or no constitution.
I commented on an Amercan blog last month after a post by the author, who is a keen gun enthusiast, which emphasised the right to arm oneself and the public duty to arm oneself, and the "what would happen if you confronted a burglar" excuse. Someone had mentioned that the UK has strict gun controls and yet "In the London riots everyone was armed", I simply had to correct that view and politely pointed out that one police force reported having a few shots fired at them and that the initial incident was all about a stop and search for illegal weapons but in reality almost 100% of the rioters were not armed with guns and neither were the police.
I also pointed out that we don't have a police force or vigilante citizens out on the streets willing to shoot at anyone looting a shop just in case they shoot first and that our prefered method, which caught thousands of petty criminals during those riots, was to film everything and then go around to their house later and pick them up.
That post finished that thread, there was no response to it, there was no need for as I pointed out, thats the way we do it but they have gone too far down the line now and even with 99% of the citizens backing such an act they cannot put the genie back in the bottle, they will never ban gun ownership because its now impossible.