Re: Photography thread 11.02 : Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:24 pm
Advice please..I've been asked to start covering concerts for a magazine that's being launched. I'm completely out of my depth on this, people shouldn't ask me to do things when I'm drunk...
I'm using a Sony A200 at the moment, it's more than adequate for print in normal light, and I'm assuming with a flash unit attached it'll be OK for gigs. The biggest problem I have is that I need a wide angle lens that isn't going to break the bank - this isn't a full rate pay job!
Can anyone suggest a reasonably good quality lens that would suit my requirements? The gigs are only going to be small ones, no stadium bands here - more semi-pro bands where I will have the possibility of being able to get right up to the stage, or shoot over the crowds head from a range of maybe 20 feet. I've used the stock lens a couple of times when covering events where bands have been playing, but never been entirely happy with the results.