Gideon gets better and better.
Yesterday he was bragging that they'll run a surplus by the end of the next parliament.
Anyone remember what he said before the last election?
Yes, that's right, that he'd eliminate the deficit by 2015, a prediction that has been put back each year, by a year ... earlier this year they were predicting 2018.
But now (fanfare of trumpets) they will produce a surplus by, erm, 2020.
Or, to put it another way ... the one parliamentary term of five years required to eliminate the deficit is now going to be TEN YEARS.
Great predictions Gideon old chap.
Also, he warned with a very stern expression that we can't go on mounting up debt ... but, for some reason, he omitted to mention that under his judicious guidance the debt has risen by about half a trillion quid.
At least Alistair Darling bought some banks with his debt, this berk Osborne has nothing to show for it at all.
For a party that is so determinedly against borrowing, they seem to be doing an awful lot of it.