Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
It's what reporters do, you may not like it but tough. It's no different than when the Nazi Supporting Daily Mirror or the tax avoiding Guardian whine on about how foodbanks are a tragedy in the UK and the terminally gullible lap it up and bleat on about not being able to just get free stuff or you need to produce bank statements, you clearly don't what you need is a plausible story. FFS, people defraud governments, companies, their own families what the Hell makes people think that they won't try and defraud a charity that's handing out free stuff.
Read this it may help you understand the process of foodbank support and how its government propaganda to state that its simply handing out free food and so of course its popular.
Its a thorn in their side, they don't want to have to mention it but they have to try and counter it by any dirty trick they can come up with, bring on the Daily Mail and its readers of misinformation.
BobbyD wrote:
It's what reporters do, you may not like it but tough. It's no different than when the Nazi Supporting Daily Mirror or the tax avoiding Guardian whine on about how foodbanks are a tragedy in the UK and the terminally gullible lap it up and bleat on about not being able to just get free stuff or you need to produce bank statements, you clearly don't what you need is a plausible story. FFS, people defraud governments, companies, their own families what the Hell makes people think that they won't try and defraud a charity that's handing out free stuff.
Read this it may help you understand the process of foodbank support and how its government propaganda to state that its simply handing out free food and so of course its popular.
Its a thorn in their side, they don't want to have to mention it but they have to try and counter it by any dirty trick they can come up with, bring on the Daily Mail and its readers of misinformation.
Read this it may help you understand the process of foodbank support and how its government propaganda to state that its simply handing out free food and so of course its popular.
Its a thorn in their side, they don't want to have to mention it but they have to try and counter it by any dirty trick they can come up with, bring on the Daily Mail and its readers of misinformation.
I understand it perfectly well, still you keep up the patronising nonsense, maybe something about football supporter politics too. That's always on your favourites list when you're clutching at straws. You fall on hard times, you go to see someone and ask for help, they sift through your bank statements, cupboards etc (they don't need to check ashtrays as smokers don't need foodbanks) and then when they're satisfied, 5 days later, because these things don't take 5 minutes you get a golden ticket. Unless you work for the Daily Mail, then you get one that day after you've told a pack of lies. I can't believe the 900k+ had to go through the gestapo style interview while this bloke didn't.
JerryChicken wrote:
Read this it may help you understand the process of foodbank support and how its government propaganda to state that its simply handing out free food and so of course its popular.
Its a thorn in their side, they don't want to have to mention it but they have to try and counter it by any dirty trick they can come up with, bring on the Daily Mail and its readers of misinformation.
I understand it perfectly well, still you keep up the patronising nonsense, maybe something about football supporter politics too. That's always on your favourites list when you're clutching at straws. You fall on hard times, you go to see someone and ask for help, they sift through your bank statements, cupboards etc (they don't need to check ashtrays as smokers don't need foodbanks) and then when they're satisfied, 5 days later, because these things don't take 5 minutes you get a golden ticket. Unless you work for the Daily Mail, then you get one that day after you've told a pack of lies. I can't believe the 900k+ had to go through the gestapo style interview while this bloke didn't.
Well I do care about on who's watch our economy was mismanaged and so should anyone else that plans to vote at the next election.
How's that government borrowing going?
Lord Elpers wrote:
You are a regular critic of this government and often overlook the massively difficult job they have had in overcoming the huge economic mess they inherited. This was in-part due to the world crisis and ongoing recession and other outside factors like the euro currency crisis. But it should not be forgotten it was also in-part due to the previous government's economic incompetence and mismanagement for leaving us so weak after a decade long world boom.
Four years on and it's still Labour's fault. And they say that UKIP is a one joke act.
Lord Elpers wrote:
Although 'bigoted woman' Brown of "no more boom and bust" fame has left the stage for the long grass to line his pockets, we are still left with his two former assistants Ed 'Prefect' Milliband and Ed 'Schoolyard Bruiser' Balls-Up as choices to run our future economy. You will recall these two were economic advisors to Buster Brown and were equally guilty of the over spending and overborrowing and not forgetting the terrible decision to sell off all our gold for a pittance. Since their "flat-lining" rhetoric has been discarded due to strong growth they banked everything on their new "cost of living crisis" songsheet. Now this too is looking less convincing as inflation keeps falling and average earnings are now keeping pace and set to rise further - so this strategy too is unravelling.
Sub-unity growth figures indiscernible from noise is strong growth? Rah rah rah.
Lord Elpers wrote:
In a forecast to be relased tomorrow (CEBR) Britain's economy will be nearly 2% bigger than its pre-crisis peak by next year's election. Real household disposable income (after inflation) is predicted to be 4% higher than at the last election and GDP 9% higher. So this could give Chancellor George scope for up to £7Bn of tax cuts.
This, again? Yawn. Before you bother with this tack again, have a look at the definition of "forecast".
Lord Elpers wrote:
You are right to finally listen to the voices in George Osborne's head. He has never overstated the recovery...
Even this shower wouldn't be so brazen.
Lord Elpers wrote:
But we should not forget that two thirds of the coalition's austerity programne was inherited from Labour or that a drop in living standards was the price we had to pay for a crisis that happened on Labour's watch and the enormous and unsustainable increase in public spending from 2000 to 2010. Voters should look closely at the economic CV's of the candidates.
Remind me of Gideon's relevant qualifications.
It's all Labour's fault <click> It's all Labour's fault <click> It's all Labour's fault <click>
That record must be close to being worn out by now.
Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
It's not propaganda though is it. Getting things for free is popular.
Is the 'outrage' regarding the Daily Mail article because it so easily counters the 'you must be referred' rhetoric?
Easily counters ?
How do you reconcile the article headline "No ID, no checks... and vouchers for sob stories: The truth behind those shock food bank claims" with the content of the story further down when the reporter states that he was asked for his personal details and then had to answer a series of questions before the CAB considered which charity to refer him to.
Do you feel misled by The Sunday Mail on that one item alone ?
Do you wonder why they misled you in the header (which seemingly they did, easily) ?
Do you wonder why The Sunday Mail chose to insert the phrase "asylum seekers" into its second paragraph, could it be that its their traditional way of winding up their clientele into a foaming fury so that they gloss over the fine detail and the web of lies they spun to write the piece, did they hook you too ?
Incidentally the charity did nothing wrong and did not step outside their remit, they asked for, and received the voucher of entitlement to three days rations, they did not give anything away without proof of need and in this respect the reporter failed in his smear mission, in fact as a direct response to the story the charity have reported this evening that they have received cash donations in excess of £19,000 attributed to the smear - another shot through the foot for The Fail ?
But you have not attempted to put up any argument no chance of even a slight headwind from your direction.
You just make left wing statements filled with hate and repetitive phrases that are backed up with no facts or figures, And of course you shout a lot with capital letters. All of whichb is perhaps why your comments are largely ignored.
Thank you for your input.
Your posts elucidate my comments and once again show that when a question is asked you obfuscate and bring back the stock dogma, this time hate.
For politeness sake and the edification of those who may want to know, besides me, will you answer the questions previously asked and a couple more.
Of what , whom or whatever am I envious off?
To whom have I been abusive?
Where in my posts has hate been written and about what?
How do you know my comments have been ignored?
and, this is the difficult question, and one I must admit I find some struggle with, I have perhaps a reasonably clear idea, if there is right and left wing, where is the centre?
I look forward to yours reply the same way I get replies to questions asked of AJW amongst others.
Do you wonder why The Sunday Mail chose to insert the phrase "asylum seekers" into its second paragraph, could it be that its their traditional way of winding up their clientele into a foaming fury so that they gloss over the fine detail and the web of lies they spun to write the piece, did they hook you too ?
Howzabout this specimen as an asylum seeker then Mr Chicken.
Black....illegal.....and now apparently so gay, he would find his life endangered back home. I should imagine that would tick enough boxes to get the usual suspects on here to start waving their PC placards.
Shame about the drug dealing and murder though, eh?
JerryChicken wrote:
Do you wonder why The Sunday Mail chose to insert the phrase "asylum seekers" into its second paragraph, could it be that its their traditional way of winding up their clientele into a foaming fury so that they gloss over the fine detail and the web of lies they spun to write the piece, did they hook you too ?
Howzabout this specimen as an asylum seeker then Mr Chicken.
Black....illegal.....and now apparently so gay, he would find his life endangered back home. I should imagine that would tick enough boxes to get the usual suspects on here to start waving their PC placards.
Shame about the drug dealing and murder though, eh?
Your posts elucidate my comments and once again show that when a question is asked you obfuscate and bring back the stock dogma, this time hate.
For politeness sake and the edification of those who may want to know, besides me, will you answer the questions previously asked and a couple more.
Of what , whom or whatever am I envious off?
To whom have I been abusive?
Where in my posts has hate been written and about what?
How do you know my comments have been ignored?
and, this is the difficult question, and one I must admit I find some struggle with, I have perhaps a reasonably clear idea, if there is right and left wing, where is the centre?
I look forward to yours reply the same way I get replies to questions asked of AJW amongst others.
Still nothing to refuted the recovery and growth evidence then?
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