America is a very big country, it's statistically not just probable but actually innevitable that a certain proportion of individuals will be w******s. The sad part is that social media inflicts them on everyone else. I'm far more worried by Fox News experts who serioulsy can't be as stupid as the opinions they express. Bill O'Reilly who seems to be the idiot in chief, is not stupid at all. In fact he's tremendously well educated and intelligent. So much so that you have to conclude that the absolute nonsense he comes out with is purely playing to an audience for his own personal gain and the ratings on his network.
When "News networks" spread racist $h!t because their audience demographic are open or closet racists you have real problems.
Attempting gun control in the US is a complete waste of time. The horse has bolted, the genie is out of the bottle, etc...etc...etc.. Obama would be well advised to spend his efforts fixing the economy which will benefit millions (if not billions around the world) far more than making it slightly more difficult for one lunatic to get hold of an assualt rifle if he wants to massacre people. Far too many Republican representatives rely on the gun obsessed to stay in office. Even if there was a consensus in principle there wouldn't be enough Repulicans willing to blow their careers to openly back any control. It would litteraly suck Obama dry for 4 years and he would be defined by his failure - which is innevitable.