Re: Brexit Anyone? (2) : Sun May 27, 2018 7:35 am
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
This is perhaps the most simplistic of Brexiter's many simple views of the world. It's all black/white, our money/no benefit. The idea of the EU, proven over many years is mutual economic benefit. We get access to the markets of other countries, they get access to ours. We pay more into the central funds because we are rich. But then EU expenditures help areas become more prosperous so they can buy more of our goods and have better infrastructure so our goods can get to market more quickly.
The UK's economic performance before and after being in the EU are so divergent (and our economy post vote so divergent from other economies) that the factual benefits of membership are so obvious that it's increasingly rare to find a Brexiter dispute them. Instead they are retreating to their nationalistic "control" argument despite all plausible scenarios leaving us with less control and no say in the rules we will inevitably have to abide by.
The UK's economic performance before and after being in the EU are so divergent (and our economy post vote so divergent from other economies) that the factual benefits of membership are so obvious that it's increasingly rare to find a Brexiter dispute them. Instead they are retreating to their nationalistic "control" argument despite all plausible scenarios leaving us with less control and no say in the rules we will inevitably have to abide by.
The UK has a huge negative balance of payments with the EU - so we pump money in so some countries become more prosperous so they can charge us more for their goods - perhaps that really is too simplistic?
Yes they may be able to buy more of our goods but we will also buy much more of their goods - seems a lose lose to me.
Nobody is saying it will be easy - but impossible no, as I keep saying there are plenty of countries especially in the far east that don't seem to have any difficulties trading with the EU without the EU putting any real restructions on how they operate e.g. working practises - if a country has something the EU wants no trade barriers will stop it being bought.