Hull White Star wrote:
And by you starting a thread on here (like plenty of other people on various forums will have done) you have given her exactly what she craves.....publicity and for people to be talking about her and keeping her name in the "limelight". People like her are best ignored.
This. It's fair to say, though, that social media, which thrives on shoiite like Hopkins regularly regurgitates, is infested in outlandish numbers by subhuman nasty pieces of work. Of course, all these people were always out there, but had no means of releasing their excrement to a wide audience. Now, though, you can troll and abuse the bereaved, the sick and the dying at will. We have a dumbed-down population which feeds on the 21c phenomenon of "celebrity", devouring utter dross like the minutiae of the lives of nonentities like Kim Kardashian. Banality reigns, and 'adults' waste whole swathes of their lives playing meaningless childish games and offering up semi-literate half-baked drivel as if anyone else wanted to hear it.
Scumbags like Hopkins have just cynically found a way to actually be paid for being just one more big mouthed, vile shhit-stirring asshole. And she probably even holds some of those views in real life.