: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:20 pm
Brilliant time, but a large part of that has to be because of the great win, that really was something else! Thanks once again to our players for a brilliant display!
Perpignan is a very expensive place to eat and drink, luckily the players found the same bar as we did (the one and only decent bar in Perpignan as far as I'm aware), a heavy cost though at €6.50 a pint, but then every bar we found the cost of a pint was expensive at over €5, some were even charging €4 for a half!
The weather was poor, with almost gale force winds and little in the way of sunshine until Sunday, although can't blame that on the locals, but the streets were littered with dog dirt, which can be blamed on the locals.
Thought another negative, was the fact that there were cars bombing up and down every street in the city, even the narrow one's with very little in the way of a footpath. Nowhere were you safe from the numerous bad drivers, there's little wonder almost every car I saw over there had some dint or other in it.