: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:16 pm
Fully wrote:
Well, they could 'fund' it indirectly. If they want council facilities in it, i.e. a decent swimming pool they can say, stick it in the stadium costs, we'll pay for that etc.
If they put any funds in, it will be enough for a swimming pool. The cost of the stadium will still have to be met. It's wishful thinking to think that the council will give you a few million on top towards the stadium ( we fell into that trap over TP), especially after they have publicly said no money is available to any of the districts clubs for new grounds.
It's no surprise that some Wakey fans have a warm feeling about this situation after the crap we had to endure from some Cas fans on these forums last year. Leading upto the franchises been awarded we were constantly told by Cas fans that we were the inferior application due to our ground situation ( funny how you ignored your teams previous 5 years on field performances). All along your own project was never as solid as what you made out (excellent PR by RW).
Not to mention the ones that came on to gloat about TP project collapsing.
FWIW I'm skeptical about either project even starting before the next round of franchises with the present economic climate but time will tell.
What ever happens and I consider this really important,
under no Circumstances should us or Cas share a stadium, we last three years tops before we were forced into a merger. Which would be a disaster but that is another debate.