: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:29 pm
Chalky the Ponce wrote:
Its an interesting and oft discussed event Benny, but why do schools close when other businesses stay open?
Is it for child safety?
Its certainly a problem for parents - not everyone can take a day off to look after them at half hour's notice.
TBH I am not quite sure. There are a number of reasons why my school closed today.
The car park and paths yesterday were extremely dangerous....the slush had frozen and was pure ice. A number of parents and children fell, and this was after it had been gritted.
The majority of our staff live quite a long way away from school.
The roads were extremely bad, and our school is up a small road that only leads to flats. This road is also a hill and very slippy. I can guarantee that the majority of children would have stayed at home today anyway. Our children don't come in if it rains, never mind snows!