: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:34 pm
McLaren_Field wrote:
I think the major problem was the depth of the indebtedness at Bradford, coupled with the obligations to maintain a huge and crumbling stadium that the previous management had signed up for - there is an esteemed Bulls supporter who is known to those around these parts who had some sight of the numbers involved and a few years ago his view was that by now the Bulls would not exist, the fact that they do speaks volumes for the stringent financial management that has been forced upon them, they are in the same place now as Leeds were in 96/97 and its probably only this fact that keeps McNamara in his job - everyone at the club knows he'd do things differently with more money and if they use him as a scapegoat then the next coach in line will want to spend money that they've denied McNamara - they have to tough it out.
Thats my point though saints last management nearly bankrupted the club, when mr mac took over he had two choices, do what bradford have done, or use the £500000 - £1000000 gained by getting to both finals every year to keep us going, the latter strategy is very risky, but has worked. I am a saints shareholder and these are the figures released at the agm not just made up