Marty Grrrrrrrrrr! wrote:
If i go it would be for a week. Matts day trip seems absurd.
Some people might only have that option though and not have enough time off work to go for any longer.
Best deal today is £698
Leaves Manchester 13:10 on Wednesday, arrives Melbourne at 09:05 on Friday morning but that's with 8 hours in Dubai and 1hr 45 in Singapore. Returns at 6am Saturday morning and back in Manchester at 7am on Sunday with a 14 hour lay up in Dubai on the way back.
Best 1 stop deal is now £751 as I think they have caught on to the fact the game is happening and there has been a potential spike in interest.
Cheapest under 30 hour travelling deal is £713.
leaves Manchester at 20:25 on Wednesday night, arrives in Melbourne at 12:05 on the day of the game. Stops of 90 minutes in Dubai but 5 hours in Perth, but you'd get some time to explore as you would clear customs there before the onward journey to Melbourne. Flight back leave 20:20 on Saturday night, a hop to Adelaide with a 90 minute connection with just 2 hours in Dubai before getting into Manchester at 11:20 on Sunday morning ready for work on Monday lol
The quickest travel time price is £913
Leaves Manchester at 20:25 on Wednesday night, 2 hour stop in Dubai and into Melbourne at 06:30 on Friday morning. Return flight is at 06:00 on Saturday and back into Manchester at 18:40 on the same day with just a 95 minute lay up in Dubai.
I'm already sorted as I'm out the week before for the Wollongong game. I fly into Melbourne on the morning of the game before off to Sydney for the double header the morning after. It's almost like a Catalan trip for us during our stay there.