Can see limited changes in season as players aren’t going to go without another club paying them and don’t see many clubs taking players on mid season.
The OOC players are easy enough it’s a decision are we keeping you or not.
I would release the above.
I can see Broadbent leaving as well and possibly O’Connor. That is 9 players from the first team squad leaving. I have said in another thread I would personally ask Prior if he wants to retire ayear early, I would ask Sezer if he wants to mutually terminate end of year and he can find another club. I personally would also get rid of Donaldson and Sutcliffe if we can find takers.
Even if it was just OOC leaving that is a fair amount of squad space, you would think some ok cap space and 3 overseas spots.
3 props - 1 overseas and two younger UK based. That gives you 6 pure props in the first team squad.
1-2 back row - one overseas back row, with one UK based. Need to make a decision about Smith at 13, I might move Bentley to 13 in a simile style to Knowles at Saints in terms of setting the line speed and wanting to Defend.
1/2 half backs - if Sezer stays then one overseas if he leaves then 2
That is a huge amount of work and manoeuvring even with a settled coach in place. Hopefully they can get somebody in or if somebody is coming end of year it is announced and they can start getting the recruitment sorted out