McLaren_Field wrote:
So was Jade Goody wrong for dying on camera ?
Its the only skill she had, her earnings before her diagnosis would have been down to zero, possibly with legal threats from her franchised products suppliers (how much does it cost to pull "Jade" perfume off the shelves) and with an expensive lifestyle to pay for and two children to provide a future for then who can blame her - I don't.
The fekkwits who buy the magazines are another story, and I include my own family in that...
Its the only skill she had, her earnings before her diagnosis would have been down to zero, possibly with legal threats from her franchised products suppliers (how much does it cost to pull "Jade" perfume off the shelves) and with an expensive lifestyle to pay for and two children to provide a future for then who can blame her - I don't.
The fekkwits who buy the magazines are another story, and I include my own family in that...
It's a tough decision to make definately, and from Jade's point of view it's a no-brainer - take the money and have your last shot at fame - so you are right, it's difficult to blame the girl. But I'm not sure it's the best decision for her kids. You and me will have no interest in her kids lives, or any story that follows - and if the World was made up of people who thought like that then her decision was correct. But the World is made up of very different people and there will be a huge, un-ending appetite for stories about the children, the husband, the father (who is another talentless Z list celeb). There is no amount of money that I would take if I thought it would make a mess of my kids lives. A clean slate is better than a marked card.
In hope they leave all alone now and in 10 years time it's all forgotten.