I think there are plenty of valid points & ?'s raised wrt the abject failure to adapt learn & respond early enough to what the Club faced but then there are those who think the Coach could swollow coal & sh#* a diamond it works both ways given the dross served up on a regular basis.
As for benefit of the doubt who decides the terms of that or how long that should be allowed?
We are less than 6wks away now so we'll soon see & as your keen to keep harping back to the past no matter how recent that past points to a Coaching set up not learning anything wrt Squad management ,selection & having enough nous to adapt to injuries as they occur.
there are also posters who simply choose to be contrary and can't be stupid enough to believe what they post.
this coming season will answer a lot of questions.
has Hetherington let the squad slide quality wise?
is BM a decent but lucky coach or is he top class?
have lessons of last year really been learnt?
will the older players have it in them to have one last great season or was it a mistake not replacing them?
intriguing season ahead for all sorts of reasons