I hope the disciplinary has a complete reboot before next season. Martin's 'offence' was the most trivial thing I can remember. The referee saw it clearly for what it was - a low-speed impact with zero intent and the only reason the Salford player fell over was because he wasn't looking. It was the sort of impact dummy runners get every game, but far less forceful.
I assume the aim of the bans is to show we're doing something about head injuries with respect to future litigation. This ignores the fact that ultimately the game itself is the problem (as with NFL and RU). Banning players like Martin will do nothing to stop any litigation.
Nobody should complain about shoulder charges being banned, high tackles leading to bans, or clamping down on late hits on kickers and players who have passed/kicked the ball. Those are real issues. Banning players for zero harm collisions that are just part of the game risks damaging the sport permanently.