We do look light on in the front row, but we're missing three of our first choice props plus Donaldson. Most sides would struggle to have decent reserves for that. I agree that we look a player light there though, especially with the depth we have in the back row by comparison. I wonder if keeping Bentley was partly down to concern about Gannon long term?.
I understand why he did it, but I think Smith started this season a bit over-cautious. Donaldson seems a nice guy and all that, but he's not a prop, and not SL standard except as last-gasp backup. In that sense his suspension is a good thing IMO as the safety blanket of picking an 'experienced' (but hugely limited) player has been taken away. We've seen coaches persevere with rubbish experienced players before - very recently in fact - and it never really works.
Should just add though that I wouldn't be surprised if the plan was to have one or all of Ruan, TNW and even Hudson in the first team regularly by the end of the year. I just can't believe that we would go with Donaldson first reserve prop as the plan for the whole season.