Chestnutrhino wrote:
William surely you meant mismanaged decline
You could certainly argue a very strong case for decline as a result of mismanagement.
There has also been a managed decline which is most evident when you consider the salary cap in SL. This has fallen in real terms (accounting for inflation) by around 40% since the late 1990's and by around 30% during the last decade alone.
Some SL club chairmen have also argued for a lowering of the cap. I believe GH himself is on record somewhere of arguing for a lowering of the salary cap?
There's other stuff going on which SL management has no control over like the recession and the value of sterling against the Aussie dollar which has also had a huge effect on the number and quality of signings from down under.
However, a state of managed decline is where the game resides with little knowledge or know how of how to turn things around as clubs do little more than hang around for their next handout from Sky. The fans meanwhile are being sold turds rolled in sugar.