Nepotism : Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:12 pm
Under this stewardship we have had some of the finest moments in our historical clubs history.I for one am very very grateful having endured over 45 years of watching Leeds in the early years after the two challenge cup wins In the late 1970 ‘s apart from one Dean bell inspired John player trophy win in the 80’s and many semi final and final losses, things were dire.
Along came Gary after working absolute miracles at Sheffield Eagles he teamed up with Mr Caddick and the club has flourished because of the drive, knowledge and focus of Gary and I for one am eternally grateful.
In my opinion only I think that we have now hit the wall Gary has aged lost focus and due to Nepotism which is holding us back we have stalled. We are not able to employ the best people for the positions only of the favoured people.
Time to realise and correct the problems get in New blood with no past ties and revive the club we all love.
Come on Gary reinvent your past glories.