Billinge_Lump wrote:
I think part of the problem is that we are too focussed on what the Aussies are doing at times.
I agree with that.
A simple example is how this season our ruck has slowed and wasn't that in response to the wrestling used by the Aussies in the world cup? Instead of doing what I suggested ( ) and ignoring the Aussies, the RFL have slowed down the ruck (presumably) in an attempt to compete with the Aussies (bearing in mind this has happened post world cup). Kapow! What's happened with the Aussies? Their executive decision to have two refs (because since when have the Aussies taken a blind bit of notice of anyone else?) has speeded up the ruck. So now we are all out of step with the Aussies again. Had we just ignored the Aussies we would have still had an exciting game to watch and we would now be playing on a more level playing field so far as the ruck is concerned.
I do wish we would respect our own game.