: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:43 pm
I've got to say that the muscle mass gained by some of these youngsters - often within a single close season - is pretty eye-popping. I mean, there are guys I know from the gym who hammered the weights for three or four years to achieve similar results. On the flipside, it's true to say that it's not all about pumping iron. Eating the correct foods in the correct proportions and generally looking after yourself will help enormously. The guys I know think nothing of a quick fag after training and then down to the boozer for six pints.
I think more serious questions are raised by the close season 'achievements' of certain players during the 80s and 90s. Regardless of club, we all know player X who finished a season looking like a wraith, only to start the next with the body and strength of Hercules. I don't care what those guys were eating - there's NO WAY you can bulk up to such an extent in three months. No way.