: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:32 pm
I actually don't think he's the player we need. Roby is better coming off the bench as an impact player. We need the sort of hooker that can start the game and organise the team. Diskin or Randall would be a much better option than Roby for us, and that's not to say that I rate Diskin and Randall higher, just that he would be a better fit for what we need.
can't say i'm too disapointed were letting newton go as a further 2 year deal would have been too much of a risk imo. We really need to bring in some quality to replace him though. As dilligaf's said only real prospects in SL would be randall and diskin, beyond that we'd need to look overseas ( hopinh andy ellis rumour last week was just that - a rumour).
It would settle a lot of rumours if club would make a statement re burgess imo.
Cant help but feel that we're getting all bad news out of way at once , ie newton,sykes etc before making a major signing announcement.