: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:37 am
I would like to suggest there being a WMD under or in McNamara's seat, please can we take it away for investigation (whilst he's sat on it) and let it be replaced whilst it is interogated, waterboarded and locked up without trial for the next 2 years, unfornuntely Steve would have to stay with it as he is the owner and person responsible for it's actions.
My evidence is the destruction of a world championship club to relegation fodder in 3 years, he has brought terror, fear and worse than all apathy to our once great clubs supporters.
We can replace Steve's chair with a more experienced chair with someone (anyone) else sat on it.
I would suggest should our great nations army...sorry all our armed forces perform this task (nothing else seems to budge him) then an even greater majority would clap them...perhaps even Terry
Being serious, something different and i kinda enjoyed it. Lets stop the bickering, people have different views and opinions and if we didn't it wouldn't be interesting...now moving onto people without children parking in mother and baby spaces...............