One truth is that, without some action or promise of action, support WILL drain away.
There is clearly a line to be drawn. Finances are obviously not great, but doing nothing isn't an option either, imo. We all [hopefully] totally understand that now isn't exactly the best time to go looking for recruits and it's not going to be easy. I also hope we understand that we should never get someone in just for the sake of getting someone in, that would be self defeating but, equally, so is doing nothing.
At the end of the day, whilst it's not our business, as such, we are, nonetheless, stakeholders in the club, and most of us will still be stakeholders, long after the current owners [and maybe the next..] have gone. We are also the biggest source of income the club has got. Like another unelected leader, we don't actually expect a running commentary but an occasional 'briefing', just to let us know they are still in the country, and have plans, wouldn't go amiss.