The critics who deride our support tend to come from teams who have had decades of success, or have little or no competition from football teams in their town. Wigan and Leeds fit the first, Cas and Warrington the second.
Our plight is similar to that of Huddersfield who are facing falling crowds and a increasing football competition.
So any interest from outside has to deal with that. You can understand a degree of cynicism of why would someone bother to invest: what's in it for them. The good Doctor is an enthusiast and so we can understand that. These names are not.
There are the many false dawns. I feel like a kid whose December 24th has become groundhog day: promises of presents that are always yet to be seen. So again I watch the tree being put up, the wrapped presents stacked in the corner, the smell of food being prepared; I know that I'll wake up tomorrow to see and smell the same things: the promise of tomorrow which never comes.
The issue is why I still attend: and I do.