There's no clique. When 'Clique' is mentioned on here it is either always used by fairly recent joiners to describe anyone who was already here, or used as a weak defense when idiocy gets called out.
There's normal people who can have a discussion without taking offence because someone has a different view. Then there's others who can't discuss an alternate opinion without condescending and belittling. If people get so offended by the prospect of somebody having a different view on RL, and can't be civil, then they should really question their ability to interact as an adult.
Multiple accounts need to go if it can be done. Far too many individuals propping-up their own arguments.
RLFans has been going downhill for quite a while, even before the most recent nobbers appeared. Less and less posters. More and more idiocy.
Poor moderation. Probably due to the fact that most of our mods had already drifted away from the boards already rather than deliberately ignoring stuff. Poor or no moderation just perpetuates the problems and consequently makes them worse.
This forum is pretty much dead, and don't see it changing any time soon as most posters can't be bothered with the idiot(s).