LISA NEWS IMPORTANT : Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:51 pm
Tommorrows meeting has been switched to the MIners due to the reserves playing there, I was asked by the club if we could do this and I asked Leigh East who said they didnt mind, as I didnt want to upset them as theyve been really good.
However there probably would have only been about ten people turn up ( AS a lot woiuld be going wtaching the reserves)and its unfair of them to open a bar for such a small number of people.
Been told a couple of first teamers playing tommorrow so it should be worth watching. Paul Rowley will be in attendance and will be attending the meeting.
THe meeting of course was orginailly organised a long time before this game but I think it makes sense to switch it this time.
We will hold the meeting from half time onwards at the game.
I will be having someone at East for anyone who turns up there to explain.
Sorry for any inconveniance.