A Change To Loan Player Deadline Rule : Fri Jul 22, 2022 5:40 am
Just announced and could really help teams approaching and come the business end. I can see maybe James Bell being a possible for us (I hope as I’m a big fan) but I think this may help the others around us more. The ruling basically says that for this season a change to loan players and the deadline looks like this.
- players currently out in loan can remain out past the deadline (today) and still be eligible to return and play for their parent club.
- once a player is recalled after the deadline however, they are then not allowed to go back out on loan.
- if the parent club wants a player to be eligible for the playoffs, they must recall him before the playoffs begin.
In essence it lets parent clubs let players remain out on loan without the jeopardy of things significantly changing and then being short come playoffs. This will allow Champ teams to keep loanees longer and have them potentially still available for the playoffs because they havn’t been recalled as a precaution by the parent club.
Bottom line, I believe we have the strongest squad regardless (especially with the addition of Lachlan) but it makes things just that little bit more interesting and challenging for everyone, especially in that one off game scenario.
Classic RFL, change the goal posts no matter how late in the game.