Kelly's Eye wrote:
May be, but not the best 1 at the club and unfortunatley he would struggle anywhere else in this team at this moment in time IMHO so whilst its harsh that needs to be accepted for the good of the TEAM at this moment in time, that does'nt however mean that I think he is a bad player because I don't and he still has plenty time on his side.
Now here's the scenario at the next training session.........
NK " Sorry Ian but you,re dropped for Thursday "
IM " Why's that Neil, thought i've played pretty well recently? "
NK " Because we've signed Stuart, he's costing us a lot of money and we need to play him at fullback.
IM " Why? "
NK " Because our money would of been better off invested elsewhere, but we made a slight mess of things, plus you've got time on you're side, and more to the point Kelly's Eye thinks so. "
IM " Fair point Neil, if Kelly's Eye thinks so, then that's good enough for me."