: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:04 pm
trainee_lobbygobbler wrote:
Well said
Euh... Not
First, the SL is not English by vocation but European. It was a European project at the start and it is only a pitty that the PSG failed in 96-97. The SL ended up being concentrated on the M62, and regressed in audience in the following 10 years. In France, in a more dramatic fashion, the RL has come close to extinction between 1996 and 2006.
I perfectly understand that some English fans (in particular from teams aspiring to be in SL) may think that French teams are unduly "taking" spots in SL. However, we must see the broad picture. The way to develop the sport is to have a great European competition with teams from England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and France. Only such a competition will be able to compete in the media with football and rugby union. Keeping the SL concentrated over the M62 is jeoparding its future. With French teams will come money from French media (like Orange), a higher level of competition, and certainly a higher level of interest in Southern England.
Then the Championship could also become a second European tier with French teams. This would also be good for the media, and we could have more matches on TV. This would be great for the competition.
The europeanisation of sport competitions is on its way. Association football is likely to adopt a kind of SL format at some point, and the Magners League is getting more European with the inclusion of Italian teams. Here the RL is ahead of other sports and it is a massive advantage to help this sport gain grounds in TV coverage. Ideally we should have in 10 years at least 3 French teams and a Welsh team in SL, 3 French teams in Championship and also an Irish team and a Scotish teams. This would make great competitions, able to compete with rugby union in terms of attendance and media coverage.
I think this somewhat the view of the RFL and for good reasons.