Dick Jones wrote:
I remember seeing footage of the moment the club got the announcement live that we was in Flowers was very happy at the announcement, if I recall
This party's thoughts on Flower and his signing are well documented passim.
If (SOME) 'play'-ers don't want to play for the club or manager/ coach the hatchet usually falls on the last but, with vastly improved performances over the last couple of games it's clear that more DO want to play.
This is not the same scenario as that faced by Neil Jukes wherein his benighted predecessor was quite obviously still pulling the strings of some (though not all) of his old puppets (Beswick, Kaye etc - we won't speak of Ryan), but unless some seriously better process is put in place this time we will again end up with refusniks doing porridge on the market stall. That's pointless as it hardly promotes the club.
It is the right of every working man to withdraw his labour. Sadly, it seems that it is not the right of every employer to say, "Okay, turf off, divot!"
Surely there's a legal way to oust these lead-swingers and save some pennies for next season?