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| Quote Asda carpark="Asda carpark"Where did I point out that was the 'immigrants' fault that they are here?
If there are so many people out of work, searching for work and sometimes 1000 people applying for one job(and are overqualified) why do we need more workers in this country. A member of my family has already downgraded the jobs he will go for. And before the months out will probably do it again. My younger sister has already been told not to bother searching for jobs in her chosen profession when she qualifies because there are people of 35 years of experience who can't get a job.Is bringing in more migrants going to solve this? I dont think the answer is more than a 2 letter word. Will my waiting time to see a specialist go down if more migrants turn up?? Where you the one saying that a capitalist government is wrong when everything was going right? Everyone with a set of eyeballs knows what is wrong. Bringing in 15 low paid workers from oversees to do what 10/15 friends of mine would do is not the answer.
1.Is it racist to say that immigrants should not be allowed to caome to my country?
No it is common sense. Hospitals, housing, schools, roads etc. are all at breaking point because of the size of our countryand the woeful neglect of not just this Government but since the late 70's early eighties. Will having a load of immigrants solve this problem? Nope
Is it racist to put up a Union Flag on my property?
Is it racist to express outrage at a returning regiment from Iraq or Afghanistan?
But according to our law it is inciting racial hatred. Where I to go into a predominantly muslim area and wear placards stating that Islam was against the human rights of women I know I wouldnt be a free person for long.
My last point is this.
Voting the BNP is not racist or stupid. If you put it like that then :To vote for Labour would mean that you support going to Iraq and cleaning up for them whilst turning a blind eye to Zimbabwe. To supporting the rebuilding of Afghanistan whilst not helping African Countries. To vote Tory would mean that you agreed with the first Iraq war. You do not vote for someone or something because you agree with every policy they have. You vote for them because you believe they have the best policies for you, your family and your country. I have voted Labour. That is it. No-one else ever. I don't agree with Gordon Browns policies on taxes. But I agree with going into Afghanistan. Its about the best possible choice and finally I now realise that the main 2 (and I will be looking at Lib Dems more closely now) are wrong. Maybe I will vote for BNP. Probably not. Doesn't mean i'm racist or stupid.'"
Sorry pal it doesn't stack up.
You can justifiably vote for a party yet still disagree with some of its policies.
However, you can't justifiably vote for a party if you disagree with its core values. Particularly if they are extreme values.
Unless that is you are ignorant of those values.
Racist or ignorant it is then. (And ignorant does not mean stupid, though it is generally used synonymously these days)
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| Quote waterfield's finest="waterfield's finest"Sorry pal it doesn't stack up.
You can justifiably vote for a party yet still disagree with some of its policies.
However, you can't justifiably vote for a party if you disagree with its core values. Particularly if they are extreme values.
Unless that is you are ignorant of those values.
Racist or ignorant it is then. (And ignorant does not mean stupid, though it is generally used synonymously these days)'"
Do you know what the core value of any party bar the BNP is these days? I'd say they arnt so far apart. I know you can see on websites and so forth but what one says and one does are 2 different things. There is always a new policy coming out for something which even if its godd will still get slagged by everyone else. Politics. Thats the problem. Amateurs trying to run this good country of ours.
I think you can vote for a party if you disagree with its core values. What if you disagree with every parties core values? Not likely. Maybe you have a bee in your bonnet about one such thing. Which may be your point about ignorance. I dont know. I can see why people are leaning towards the BNP. I wouldnt now because I have read ALL there policies and the mission statement not on the website. And took it in eventually. My original point was that you are not racist if you vote BNP. Maybe fed up. Ethnic minorities are now looking at them. Are they racist? I think its because whatever Government has been charge over my lifetime has been an abject failure. At just about everything.
Anyways. Thanks for the debate, its good to disgaree and get things off ones chest. Going to celebrate St Patricks day with a lovely pint of Guinness. Will I celebrate St Georges day? Don't even know when it is.....
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| All I know is there a far too many people in this country playing the system, immigrant or otherwise and those of us who work hard to earn a living are paying for it all and it takes the pi@s.
I don't know how to resolve it but something needs to change because the country is going to the dogs.
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| Asda carpark
have a good st patricks day 
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| Our country is in a mess for one reason and its all down to the bankers.
Anyone who thinks voting BNP is the answer should watch the TV series a Warning from History.
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| Quote frankb="frankb"Our country is in a mess for one reason and its all down to the bankers.
Anyone who thinks voting BNP is the answer should watch the TV series a Warning from History.'"
From a financial standpoint in terms of credit etc maybe but the government are to blame really
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| Quote frankb="frankb"Our country is in a mess for one reason and its all down to the bankers.
Anyone who thinks voting BNP is the answer should watch the TV series a Warning from History.'"
I would agree totally but for one thing. Regulation. Gordon Brown seems to harp on about it everyday to the point where I actually turn the TV off when I see his face. Its ultimately his fault for this problem in THIS country. Overseas problems have not helped one iota but its his tax tax tax and spend spend spend policy which has now got us in the muck. It was his failure to put regulations into the banking system and press foreign nations to do the same. It was his tax policy on pensions which forced many investors to look elsewhere. i.e shares and houses. It is all his fault. And I voted for Labour.
But then I haven't much choice and my vote wouldn't matter anyway.
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| Quote Asda carpark="Asda carpark"I would agree totally but for one thing. Regulation. Gordon Brown seems to harp on about it everyday to the point where I actually turn the TV off when I see his face. Its ultimately his fault for this problem in THIS country. Overseas problems have not helped one iota but its his tax tax tax and spend spend spend policy which has now got us in the muck. It was his failure to put regulations into the banking system and press foreign nations to do the same. It was his tax policy on pensions which forced many investors to look elsewhere. i.e shares and houses. It is all his fault. And I voted for Labour.
But then I haven't much choice and my vote wouldn't matter anyway.'"
Get Jeremy Clarkson in power... I'd vote for him 
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| Quote waterfield's finest="waterfield's finest"Sorry pal it doesn't stack up.
You can justifiably vote for a party yet still disagree with some of its policies.
However, you can't justifiably vote for a party if you disagree with its core values. Particularly if they are extreme values.
Unless that is you are ignorant of those values.
Racist or ignorant it is then. (And ignorant does not mean stupid, though it is generally used synonymously these days)'"
Exactly! Ignorant means lacking knowledge or information of a particular subject. If someone was to vote BNP citing they where unaware of the BNP's core, racist values, they would be displaying breath-taking stupidity, as those facts are well documented.
Anyway - as a first generation immigrant 'Paddy', I'm away now to celebrate my Hibernian culture, with a few pints of the dark stuff, and a couple of glasses of poteen !!
[iSláinte Mhaith!
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| Quote Asda carpark="Asda carpark"Do you know what the core value of any party bar the BNP is these days? I'd say they arnt so far apart. I know you can see on websites and so forth but what one says and one does are 2 different things. There is always a new policy coming out for something which even if its godd will still get slagged by everyone else. Politics. Thats the problem. Amateurs trying to run this good country of ours.
I think you can vote for a party if you disagree with its core values. What if you disagree with every parties core values? Not likely. Maybe you have a bee in your bonnet about one such thing. Which may be your point about ignorance. I dont know. I can see why people are leaning towards the BNP. I wouldnt now because I have read ALL there policies and the mission statement not on the website. And took it in eventually. My original point was that you are not racist if you vote BNP. Maybe fed up. Ethnic minorities are now looking at them. Are they racist? I think its because whatever Government has been charge over my lifetime has been an abject failure. At just about everything.
Anyways. Thanks for the debate, its good to disgaree and get things off ones chest. Going to celebrate St Patricks day with a lovely pint of Guinness. Will I celebrate St Georges day? Don't even know when it is.....'"
They are racist. They are xenophobic. They are the British NATIONALIST party. Their manifesto, like all others, is not to be trusted.
I understand why people look to them because there is no differentiable alternative. Labour abandoned the working classes in 97. IMHO there is a need for a party to the left NOT further right than the Etonians.
Before you cast a vote for the BNP ask yourself how many of the decent people who voted the German Nationalist Socialist Party to power with a mandate for change felt when, twelve years later, they discovered their own government's 'immigration policy' was, simply, industrialized murder.
Would they have said, "Well, I never voted for that policy. Just for economic reform. Of course I knew they were extreme in their views, but they never mentioned at the election they were going to send millions down the track and up the chimney else I may not have voted for them."
Be careful what you wish for.
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| I havent got the energy or spair time on my hands to read all these posts, but ill post a few points made by the BNP to illustrate why I support them:
There is a "Black Police Assoiciation", "Black Lawyers Assoication", "Black Nurses Assiocation" but if we tried to make a "White ***** Assoication" we would be deemed rasist, and thats wrong!
St Georges Day isnt celebrated enough in England, we need to be more patriotic and celebrate it properly
Want the power to be back in teachers hands, the kane if nessicary
promote christianity
fear were becoming a 3rd world country
immegration shoudl be stopped, not because theyre "rasist", but because it cost the tax payers (fact) £8.8 billion in 2008, the NHS cost 2.2 billion to run yet the government cant afford to run the NHS!!! but they can afford to pay for immigrant, weve seen it in leigh, theres no point there bein a hospital in leigh
we (white british) could be an ethnic minority in our own country in 50 to 60 years on current demographic figures
Believes privitisation of BRITISH industry is wrong, Rover sold to CHina, Jaguar sold to India, the best one of all, EDF!!! It stand for Electricite de France.... are your utility bills high? thats because forign companys make british people pay over the top prices becuase they want to make profit, because they are not state owned. Meanwhile EDF offer subsidised bills to French poeple as theyre making enough money from English people to do that..... (this is my theroy not the BNP) but i think EDF could let all their frech cunstomers have free electricity and still make a profit.....
Also TNT express delievery is owned by the Dutch poat office, and THL another deleivery servise in england is owned by the German post office.... this takes custome away from the royal mail!!! takin our business
(this was done by the tories not the labours btw)
23% of pensioners live in poverty conditions in the UK today
A teacher cant get sacked for watching hardcore pron, but yet can be sacked for viewin BNP literiture
isylum seekers, if they fail the form which they get given on asylum (which is pretty hard to do, even timmy street could do it) they get paided to go back to thier country of ethnic origin..... this amounts equates to 24 times the average annual salary in Iraq or Iran, andd you the tax payer are payin for it.... this can build homes and business.... seekers come over to fail the form so they can get money to take back home.. (easy days work to me) in a couple of minutes you can get 24 times your YEARLY ANNUAL SALARY by failin an assylm form!! PATHETIC!!!
Isylum, the orignal principle is- "Isylum seekers have the right to write refuge in the 1st safe country BORDERING THIERS when they are fleeing legal persecution." i did not know that iran iraq borders england....... weird
how come black people are an ethnic minority, and where not??????
there are all these lies and faults in the way the country in run....... these are only SOME.... and i MEAN SOME of the BNPs arguments, politicians wont argue with Nick Griffin becuase thier scared of him, not because hes rasist......... they know hes right, and they know if he gets televised ect... he will be in power in the next eleection and thier trying to stop him......
my opinion again.....