It wasn't a heart attack. Apparently he was playing with a kid and had a stroke. And Paul McCartney's said this confirms once and for all that the girl is his... although it's believed MJ lost interest when he realised he'd misheard the original lyric as 'the girl is nine'. But his kids will be set fair... Gary Glitter's just offered $5m for Jacko's laptop.
Whats the difference between Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson?
Farah played with Majors, Michael played with Minors.
Apparently she was granted one wish on entering heaven... that all the children of the world would be kept safe from harm. A few hours later in Los Angeles.....
Widnes will be glad to get away from Leigh. They've been regularly pumped, roasted and left in the alley-way by the lobbygobblers. Talk about being bitched - what a torrid time they've had. They'll be looking for some A&E rest time for the next three years at least.
Two paramedics arrived at Michael Jacksons house to answer the 911 call. The first asks the second what they should do first. The second replies "I don't know about you, but I reckon the ferris wheel."
Two paramedics arrived at Michael Jacksons house to answer the 911 call. The first asks the second what they should do first. The second replies "I don't know about you, but I reckon the ferris wheel."
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