: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:06 pm
Mr Chairman, thank you for what is a comprehensive reply. I'll try and answer your points:
No doubt from what you said Leigh East were coming into form following injuries earlier in the season and it's disappointing that the season ended with games being called as draws etc.
From my understanding all the games were scheduled for weekends not mid week (it's fair to say that this left little room for any catch up on congestion) however Crusaders entered a competition which they felt they could fulfill the fixtures and barring circumstances outside of their control they fulfilled as many as they could.
I thought that the game we played against Leigh Miners was arranged as a result of Leigh East being in a cup match which BARLA had decreed took precedence so we played Miners instead so I can't see what we could've done there, BARLA made the decision not Crusaders and Crusaders travelled to Miners to play them and try and complete another fixure when they could've just settled for being in the play offs. If it was to get a view of their perceived main opposition it didn't work as I know from talking to someone who played in that game they found it far from morale boosting!
For the match called off against East Leeds, 7 of those in the squad played against France. The original squad was 23, point taken that there are 30 named on the website but you'll also find that some of those played early on but did not continue playing and of the 19 games played only 15 played 9 games (approx 50%) or more so it would make sense to want your best team on the pitch, I would hope any coach would want to send their best team out wherever possible and given that 7 of the best were involved in a GB side, Crusaders exercised their right to call the game off.
I agree that this has not been managed well by anyones definition but I do feel that comments by others (you excluded) are so ill informed and/or devoid of facts it beggars belief i.e. the RFL applying different rules (Meandal), we got a squad from across the uk to play in the game (BOBA) and did Crusaders have games counted as defeats for them not being fulfilled? (Bartholmew Smythe) even though the situation was totally different to Waterhead and the same ruling applied to other clubs he feels that we've gained by it?
Thank you for championing a Welsh team and thank you for an adult discussion based in fact. I hope that Leigh East go on to have many more successful years. We're still building in Wales and without being able to pit ourselves against well established teams through National competitions RL will never be given the chance to develop and prosper in Wales.
Many thanks