: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:04 pm
I wish Salford and especially John Wilkinson success in getting their stadium built , but what I find immensley annoying is when they quote absolute crazy build dates
They have stated several times a 62 week build and keep using this on an ever increasing start date
To build any stadium on the Barton site will take at least 2 years [ more like 2 1/2 ] from commencement of putting access roads in
Yes maybe if you were very lucky you could build a stadium like the LSV one in that time span , but there is so much extra needed at Barton it is unreal
I like John , he has single handedly kept Salford afloat all these years , but it is now getting to be a bit of a joke
The fans there deserve the truth , not some spin , the majority like us can deal with bad news as long as it is the truth