Quote FredParky="FredParky"I have recieved a communication from a very good source (not connected to Leigh Centurions in any way) who has contacted me after reading the crap posted on this board about Loan players agents and Leigh Centurions.
He tells me he has contacted three of the most active agents in the area and none of them have any problem at all in working with Leigh Centurions, I don't know who is feeding folk all this tripe but its obviously someone with either a big grudge or a big chip on their shoulder, for its all lies and repeating it with out the required proof can be both dangerous and damaging to both club and agents, so my advice -get your facts right and dont post such drivel, like I said I believe my source to the letter for he has nothing at all to gain or lose by telling me what he did, but I suppose again the truth isnt exciting as rumour and lies'"
I'll help you out 'thudder' can't see anything there connecting the source to Leigh he even puts that it isn't, he's also right in that you misquote him.
Maybe you 'thudder gone to specsavers' thudder