: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:35 pm
it stinks to be honest and as you say if you are the chosen club you can get what you want
we tried to sign zeb lusi last october but the rfl told us they would not support his visa apllication due to he not meeting the criteria, so we didnt bother , so then barrow ask and they support thier application
the makisi saga they said all along he didnt meet the criterea because they could find no evidence he played for tonga(which they stated in writting it was the only reason they refused to back the application), after 3 appeals we provided the evidnece they asked for including a detailled letter from tonga RL stating dates and games he played,
they then refised again and said he wasnt off sufficent standard which they had never mentioned before and anyone who had seen him play for us last season would diagree with
then dan russell who has played more NRL first grade games they jayce van dyke and tony duggan put togther but again would not back his application
that is why haven are now looking to france and serbia etc for players as we do not believe we will get approval for any overseas player from the rfl
we got thoeharus in from aus but he has a greek passport so they couldnt stop him